Kamis, 10 November 2011

Helping Your Child with Anger Management

 The teenage years which are mostly spent in high school will probably be a complicated as well as an exciting time for your teenager. Whether your teenager will enjoy high school or not will depend a lot on his social skills. An important part of having good social skills is in managing anger. Learning to manage anger is best learned from young at home. There may be various reasons for your child’s show of anger such as when not getting what he wants or not getting his way or feeling disappointed about something.
As a parent, it is beneficial for you to learn how to deal with your child’s display of anger. First, understand if he is showing unreasonable or inappropriate behavior. For example, a child who is tired or who did not get enough sleep will be more prone to this behavior.

Teach your child to manage his anger by outlining some simple rules control such as: 
• Counting to ten slowly before talking again
Taking deep breaths to calm himself
To speak out in a soft voice instead of shouting
To speak politely and not to say bad or hurtful things
Not to hit out to hurt others or himself
Find alternative ways to vent his anger like punching a pillow, running in the garden, etc.

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